Bhutan under 500 words

Prachi jagtap
3 min readJan 4, 2020


Bhutan can be described as serene, untainted and a land of tranquility.

People of Bhutan: You will see more of tourist than the natives here; The original population of this country is less.

People here are decently dressed in their traditional attire (Woman wear a beautiful long skirt called Kira and men wear a long robe like cloth called Gho).

Language: Dzongkha (Hello: Kuzu zampu, Thank you: kadrin chhe la), they can also speak English and hindi fluently.

Currency : Official currency is Ngultrun also rupees is widely accepted.

Politics: They have a king and a prime minister. People love their king and almost every person I spoke to, had met the king once in his/her lifetime.

I came across 2 newspapers, the news only speaks about the developments in the country and are devoid of scandals and irrelevant information.

Visa/Permit: Indians do not need visa, they can apply for permit using passport or voterID; Permit is required for every district that you have planned to visit.

Tourist other than Indians need visa plus a fee of $200per day.

Travel: There is one airport in the whole of bhutan, located in Paro. Alternate route to get to bhutan is through india by road.

Places to see: Beautiful fortresses called dzong.

Most dzongs are bifurcated into the administrative offices and resident for monks. Others places are memorials and mountain pass.

Food : Momos are must have.

Local produce isn’t that fresh especially vegetables, however they have beautiful yak cheese.

Other food preparations are Ema Datshi — Stew made of Chillies and Cheese

and Ara — Traditional Alcoholic Beverage.

Safety and security : Undoubtedly the Safest place for a female traveler.

Facts: Bhutan is the only carbon-neutral country in the world.

No straight roads here, it’s a mountainous region(Do carry medicines to avoid motion sickness).

Surprisingly they have no traffic signals but a traffic police at some places and honking is prohibited!

kadrin chhe la !



Prachi jagtap

A software engineer | Full stack developer | AWS certified | Food blogger | Poet